
Showing posts from April, 2019

Amazing Love

I sit here in my one bedroom apartment while my mind shifts through every emotion possible. Just recently I shared some great news involving my internship, which is something I'm very grateful and excited for. But even more recently, I found out some information involving one of my best friends of 7 years. While this information is private, it is something that is really hard for me to deal with. It's heartbreaking, infuriating, confusing- something hard for people to truly understand how it is affecting me. I'm having to make one of the hardest decisions of my life. So I sit here, begging God to heal my hurt, heal my spirit, and give me guidance. Even more, I ask Him why I sit here with a broken heart after giving so much for my best friend. Loving them unconditionally. Why? Why do I have to let them go? This doesn't seem fair. As humans, we falter. We sometimes hurt the people close to us. As I sit here, I wonder how God does it. I wonder how He gives us unlimited