
Showing posts from February, 2018

A Life Not My Own

We hear the phrase, “Life is short, make the most of it” pretty much everywhere nowadays. Even as Christians, we sometimes hear this phrase from the pulpit on Sunday mornings. The phrase has different meanings, based on each person’s desires, ambitions, and past experiences. I’m writing this to tell you my story on how God not only saved my life (physically and spiritually), but also how God changed my perspective on the purpose of life. At a young age of 7 years old, I was a bubbly, energetic gymnast with a “cute” bob haircut. At that age, I saw myself continuing to master the skills of a gymnast into my high school years. But God had a completely different plan for me. A couple weeks before my first day of second grade, my mom took me to my pediatrician’s office, which turned out to be a diagnosis of strep throat. Two weeks and a bottle of antibiotics later, I still wasn’t better. On my first day of second grade, instead of walking into my new classroom, I walked back into the

Expecting Perfection

             I've come to realize that while we know that nobody's perfect, we still seem to expect people to be. We say "I don't judge others", "I'm not judging you", and "Only God can truly judge us". I've said that to many of the people closest to me. They say, "Quit judging me," and I assure them that I'm not. How often, though, do we hear about someone making a decision or a mistake that is considered bad, inappropriate, or unorthodox and think, "Man, that was wrong. They shouldn't have done that. I can't believe they did that." We automatically judge them.             It's our human nature. We will judge people either willingly or subconsciously. After going through a tough break up recently, I've gone through thoughts like "Why didn't he treat me better?", "Why did he do that? He shouldn't have," and "If he would have just done things differently we would

Love is Indispensable

             I chose the title "Love is Indispensable" because I found it to be one of the least noticed titles in the Bible. The title represents 1 Corinthians Chapter 13. As I was up at 3 am on a Monday morning not being able to sleep, I was drawn to this passage. Mind you, I've read this passage many, many times. I always thought I knew what it was talking about. It's love, right? Yes, but it's much more than that.              As Christians, we can basically come to an agreement that God's love is unconditional and unfathomable. But my study revolved around a human, fleshly understanding of love written by a man.  I couldn't help but think I was drawn to this passage because of recent circumstances in my life that have me questioning the human definition of love.              People tell us all the time that they love us. I myself tell people on a daily basis that I love them. I realized it's a word that's thrown around casually for most pe