
Showing posts from March, 2019

Abortion: The Facts

To start this off, I'm not writing this just to state my opinion on abortion, or judge other's opinions on abortion, or call anybody out. I'm writing this because as a 21-year-old female college student, I've come to the concerning realization that so many people, especially around my age, don't know the facts surrounding abortion. I think this is a pressing issue, because no matter what position you hold, you should be able to defend it so that your moral compass and facts align. As one final disclaimer, I'm not even going to bring religion into this post, just scientific facts and credible statistics, of which I will source at the end of this post. I encourage everybody, regardless of your position on abortion, to read this.  Let's start at where life begins. You'd think that because we are taught in school from a young age that life begins when a sperm and an egg combine to form a zygote that it is when most people believe life begins. However, tha