To the Girl With the Broken Heart
I've been seeing a lot of posts lately from ladies who have just recently gotten out of relationships. I see the heartbreak, and I see the recollections of past hurts as well as good memories from the last relationship. For all you girls out there with a broken heart, this one's for you. (And a s a disclaimer, I'm not here to bash guys and exes. I'm here to help mend, not make things worse.) I've been where you are. Most girls have, and there are the lucky few that haven't. And we all hear the same message from those around us after a tough breakup- "You'll find someone better." and "It just takes time, you'll be okay." The thing is, we hear it- but that's not what we want to hear. We want that guy to come back and tell us he made a mistake. That he wants us back and that he'll try even harder than before to be the best guy he can be for us. We want to talk to them again. The other half of the time, we're furious. Some...